CHOIR: Coalition for the Atlantic Herring Fishery's Orderly, Informed, and Responsible Long-Term Development


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Processor vessel and lobstermen

April 09, 2007

Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors
May 2007, Issue 94
In The Lee Of The Boathouse
By Peter H. Spectre
Found at: MBH&H

Lobster fishermen are casting a wary eye towards the American Freedom , a 380-foot factory ship that recently chose Portland as its hailing port. Essentially a floating fish processor and freezer, the vessel goes offshore after food-grade herring and mackerel. Lobstermen wonder if such a huge ship working offshore stocks will have an adverse effect on the stocks of inshore herring, which lobster fishermen use for bait. Fishery scientists wonder if possible overfishing of offshore stocks will mean less food for already overfished larger species. Economists wonder whether processing fish at sea will hasten the demise of some fish-processing ashore.

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